About us & Fees
We are Members of the Ely Diocesan Association of Church Bell Ringers.
Visitors and Learners:
Visiting ringers and new recruits always welcome. Ringing teaching is free of charge. Ringing teaching can in most cases be arranged on a day and time to suit you. Teaching is also available on a computer sound simulated bell.
Teaching and ringing meetings comply with the safeguarding policy of the Diocese of Ely.
Thursday practice night 19:30 - 21:00. Number of people normally present is 10 (we are indebted to help from regular visitors).
Typical ringing includes: rounds and call changes, plain and surprise minor, grandsire, plain bob and stedman triples, bob major and occasionally surprise major. All levels catered for.
Our Fees, which contribute to the upkeep of the tower and bells:
Ringing after Weddings £200
Use of the bells for Peals £40
Use of the bells for Quarter Peals £16
Fees payable in advance.
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